2013년 11월 27일 수요일

112713 Jazz Concert with Jenny

Another new experience in my life: Jazz Concert with Jenny.
Because Jenny is lucky all the time, she got two free tickets from Facebook for Jazz Concert today.
The name of the group was... 윤석철 trio. Well, my first impression from their name was like, "oh they are probably 70s or 80s musicians." No offense, but the name kind of reminded me of old pop.. old Jazz band-ish. But, they, in fact, turned out to be people in twenties and early thirties. And their
music was a collaboration of Jazz and Electronic. So, not as old as I thought.

It was my first time to go and see Jazz Concert. I know almost nothing about Jazz. But, it was a good experience to see what it is and how it is played. Notwithstanding my ignorance in this field, I loved the beats and dynamics in Jazz music. "Love is a Song" and "Muse ..(something)" were catchy to my ears.  :)

2013년 11월 26일 화요일

1126 That Kind of Love

Today, I would like to share my favorite music these days.

뉴클리어스(Nucleus)- 그런사랑(That kind of love)

I have been thinking and talking like a child.
I want the love of grown-ups, the love God taught me.

Not jealous,
Not boastful,
love that is patient, mild and that is not for my own good.
Love that is,
Not arrogant
Not impolite
that hates injustice
that is joyful in the truth.

Just as God taught me, so do I want the love of grown-ups.
Love that is,
not jealous
not boastful
Love that is,
patient, mild and
Love that is not for my own good.
Love that is,
not arrogant
not impolite
that hates injustice
that is joyful in the truth.

Love that,
Be patient in everything
Be faithful
Be filled with hope

When the prophecy and tongues go away,
Love, however, remains immutable and the way it is.forever.

나 지금껏 어린 아이처럼 말하고 깨닫고 생각해왔어
주 나에게 가르쳐준 것처럼 성장한 사람의 사랑을 하고파

시기하지 않으며
자랑하지 않으며
오래참고 온유하며 내 유익을 구하지 않는 그런 사랑
교만하지 않으며
무례하지 않으며
불의를 미워하고 진리만을 즐거워하는 그런 사랑 하고파

주 나에게 가르쳐 준 것처럼 성장한 사람의 사랑을 하고파
시기하지 않으며
자랑하지 않으며
오래참고 온유하며 내 유익을 구하지 않는 그런사랑
교만하지 않으며
무례하지 않으며
불의를 미워하고 진리만을 즐거워하는 그런 사랑 하고파

모든 것을 참으며 믿음 잃지 않으며
희망으로 가득차 모든것을 견디어 내는 그런 사랑
예언도 방언도 지식도 사라질 때
언제까지나 영원한 변하지 않는
온전한 건 그건 바로 사랑

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

this is the Ewha hoodie! soooo warm and cozy :)

Girlfriends foreverrrrr ♥

2013년 11월 20일 수요일


Second semester of junior year is hectic. Never been tough like this. Hopefully, I would not have to repeat it again though. It is such a hassle. I cannot believe the winter break is coming in about three weeks. I cannot believe that November is alreay going away.. hectichectichectic...
Save me from this!!!

2013년 11월 18일 월요일

Youth, Ryan McGinley, Continued

Some photos!

                                          Two naked women holding the fire signals.
                                       "Youth is a place where passion supersedes cynicism."

                                Youth: A place of emotional and artistic optimism and freedom.
                                                Jenny and I are happy under the umbrella.

Youth, Ryan McGinley

I have a new hobby after having visited the first and the best photograph gallery last summer.
Tracing back the memory, here I go, "Dancers Among Us" by Jordan Matter! He's an old but passionate photographer who actually came to Korea for another series of animated and dynamic photoshoot with Korean singer Do-Hyun Yoon and the ballerina (forgot her name. But I am so sure she is the top ballerina here.) I remember the photos were truly lively and if ever he visits again with a similar series, I am definitely going. And this time, I heard there was a gallery by a photographer Ryan McGinley.

Ryan McGinley is, on the other hand, a young (24-year-old I think) artist who studied in Parsons. (See how crazy and passionate he would be in photography?) His photos were artists with bear body. According to the curator, he tried to show dreamlike, amateur and the last one I forgot description of youth. But obviously it really came through my understanding why the pictures were dreamlike and amateur.

This photograph is well, self-interpreted. I am not a professional but it reminded me of myself and my brother playing in a small tunnel on the playground. Not as big as that tunnel but it helped me reminisce it. Another view is that it seems to show pure yet brave curiosity of two young people, trying to explore what these shiny things sparkling in the dark! From the safety zone(light, outside), they step into a new and mysterious tunnel to quench their pure curiosity and desire of what these sparks would be. Is it not describing youth appropriately? I think this photograph is well suited for myself. I am somewhat bold and audacious. Probably I am not as thoughtful as I want to be. I don't want to be this way but I am kind of person who learn what and how to put on gears after being scratched from sharp nails. And I hear "you are growing honey."

2013년 11월 15일 금요일

111613 Before starting my tasks..

Fall has passed and now it's winter. Chilly morning indeed. How nice of Saturday waking up early and doing 'Research Writing' subject. To think of it, it makes me feel nauseous. But I kind of started to appreciate writing papers, though I have loads of work put right in front of me. It's because vocabularies I used to know is also waking up. I guess I didn't forget all of them. :)
The reason why I am keeping my blog in English is to retain (or even to improve, hopefully) the second language. So it's good to know that my vocabs didn't go extinct at all.

2013년 11월 12일 화요일

111213 Autumn sky never fails me.

Hayy perhaps it's time to move to another blog. Tumblr isn't working well. (It won't show my texts -__-) I also changed my blog URL from ellintelligence to elliebreathing. I want this blog to be my own space where I can store my happiness, sadness, anger and everything. I hope that this would not break down like Tumblr did. I don't want to lose my works.
So, what I really really want to share is South Korea's autumn sky. To be specific, it's autumn sky from my school. After having lunch break with my classmate ( usually Jenny,) we walk around the school and see the clear and deep blue sky above our head. The color is so beautiful that it meshes well with colorful trees of the campus.