2014년 2월 10일 월요일

2014.02.10 Mundane Monday

Nowadays, All I think about is focused on my diverse, spontaneous and unpredictable life ahead. Different from days I used to live, medium and long-term plans are keep changing. At first, it was unfamiliar to accept this spontaneity. But now, I find it fun. Changes no longer gives me apprehension but as time goes by, I realize that plans going null are nothing. It happens and it is normal. :) Rather, it makes me the presence of God and it's fun to witness how God intervenes in my life.

Now, I work as an intern at EAI (East Asia Institute), one of the top think-tank in South Korea and competitive think-tank world-wide. Things I do are ... usually minor works but I find fun in bits of works I am given.

And, I am having fun searching about Germany. It is definitely clueless why I am heading to that country but, it's the beauty of not-knowing-my-whole-life. :D (Well, my parents will get upset to the max if I say this way. So I make some white-lies to make my parents get over with infinite anxiety about my life.)

On the other hand, the only thing that I worry about, is, whether I should move my blog again. I really want to blog about my life in Germany-- daily life, information, and even gibberish diary lol. But in order for people to read my blog, I think that I should move to Korean blog for many korean students who are interested in Germany.

Since this is a personal blog, which I did not advertise and ask for subscription, this blog feeels empty and secluded.. haha. Maybe I shall construct my blog in detail in order to make it more interesting, informative and fun to read! and move the blog. lol shall I ? shall I not? *dilemmaaaaa*

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